Sunday, April 01, 2007

overheard at The Weasel

swish, squip, swish, schissssht . . .

Not many customers, Lady?

Ah, I'll thank You to keep quiet, Hugh.

Look, lass, I'll I'm saying is the'r'in't much interest since the fust advertissment, and t'ain't proffittible fer ye to keep on --

We've only been open for a few days, and I . . . they'll come, a'right?

N'how d'ye know that?

You came.

schisssht, schthwip.

Friday, July 28, 2006


I, the proprietress of the Squeaky Weasel, hereby declare this page to be much too white and blank. But all that is about to change, I do promise thee that . . .